Words - Timelines

2023-06-08 Have we Truly Believed? Sometimes, I wonder... For many years I prayed to God as being far away up in heaven, not being able to sense His imminent presence. But as the Word regarding "Christ in you, the Hope of Glory" becomes REAL, after having read and re-read Paul's letters to the churches - "Faith comes by hearing; and hearing, by the Word of God..." Many times, now, when coming to Him in prayer, the Word regarding His manifest Presence as the same One who walked the shores of Galilee with His disciples; and the same one who ruled the nations in His First Dominion (now in the unseen realm) sinks into my consciousness and I find myself crying and laughing at the same time, uncontrollably, from the seriousness of the moment - being in the Manifest Presence of the One who owns it all! AlleluJAH!
2023-06-08 4:31 - Woke and said "I was out in the wilderness", then while getting up He asked, "Smite the wilderness?"
2023-05-01 6:46 AM - "Luminous" (luminously adverb luminousness noun): 1a: emitting or reflecting usually steady, suffused, or glowing light (the nebula, the stars, the planets) b: of or relating to light or to luminous flux 2: bathed in or exposed to steady light (luminous with sunlight) 3:CLEAR, ENLIGHTENING (a luminous explanation) 4: SHINING, ILLUSTRIOUS (a luminous film star a luminous performance [Merriam Webster Dictionary]
2023-04-26 8:46 AM - while showering The Lord gave me a new epithet - "Boanerges", meaning that people having this epithet are "sons of thunder".
2023-04-11 3:58 PM - Tertullian - Tertullian originated new theological concepts and advanced the development of early Church doctrine. He is perhaps most famous for being the first writer in Latin known to use the term trinity (Latin: trinitas). However, Tertullian was never recognized as a saint by the Eastern or Western Catholic churches. Isaac Newton, who studied the bible daily and died a virgin: almost was refused a diploma from Trinity College in Cambridge because of his stance on the Godhead. He believed the name "God" was never used in the Bible to denote more than one person at a time. My stance is that there is one person (image) in the Godhead, along with the Father and the Holy Spirit, in which the fullness of the Godhead dwells and the only way we will ever see God is in the face of Jesus the Christ - 2nd Corinthians 4:6.
2023-03-19 Woke around 11:20 after dreaming I was teaching attributes of the First Dominion of the Messiah, and it was as if I were teaching a foreign language which many did not care to learn, nor to take in as a part of their nomenclature.
2023-02-22 5:16 AM - Woke hearing a man who was giving a teaching about the First Dominion of the Messiah. He began, saying: "I'm Doug Caulton (Charlton?), Mountain View Baptist Church."
2023-02-16 5:05 AM - "Alacrity": Promptness in response; cheerful readiness It denotes physical quickness coupled with eagerness or enthusiasm. If we have truly believed in the Lord of all the earth and in the power of His Name; repented of sin, been baptized into His name [Lord Jesus/Yhswh the Christ], receiving also the baptism of His Holy Spirit with manifestation: then, realizing we were bought out of slavery to sin with the prodigious price of His precious blood--we will always, with alacrity, allocate our time, tools, energies and resources provided by Him - to His purposes as we follow Him in the building up of Zion.
2023-02-11 5:14 am - "When we finally landed as a family, then we quickly found a mom."
2023-02-09 At 7:00 pm He began saying " Baba Vanga" ('aunt Vanga'), a woman of much prayer: was born in Bulgaria on October 3, 1911 and died August 11, 1996. She was dubbed the "Nostradamus from the Balkans." At the age of 12 she mysteriously lost her eyesight during a massive storm, during which she claimed to have been flung into the air and then thrown to the ground by a powerful gust of wind. Her family reportedly found her close to death several days later. Her eyes were covered with dirt; sealed shut, and she was unable to open them because of the pain. Vanga later said that she had experienced her first vision during the days she was missing and believed she had been instilled with the ability to heal people and predict the future. Most of Baba Vanga's predictions have come true, including the 44th President of the U.S. being African-American, and the September 11th attack on America, saying "The American brethren will fall after being attacked by two steel birds." HER PREDICTIONS FOR 2003 INCLUDE: 1. A change in Earth’s orbit - By far the scariest of them all 2. Solar Tsunami - Solar storms are bursts of energy from the sun. 3. Bioweapons - A "big country" will carry out bioweapons research on people." (China's Research Baloon over America this week? 4. Nuclear Plant Explosion 5. Baba Vanga's last prediction for 2023 is thought to be a ban on births; and that people will be grown in labs.
2023-02-06 7:08 am - Inherent: existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute. Scripture tells us, "the eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good." Therefore, we conclude: God is inherent in every part of our universe... perhaps that part of every atom which can be deadly destructive when tampered-with? Scripture also says that "GOD IS LOVE", and so, LOVE is INHERENT in every part of our universe; but until the end of the Age in which we live--so also is evil. But God has made us creatures of CHOICE, to choose the evil, or the good at any given moment, and our choices affect our lives and the lives of those around us... to be either positive or negative. " Matthew 5:9 -  "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." 
2023-02-02 6:28 AM - Woke from a dream that I and someone else were writing down instructions for getting something accomplished. It was important to get first things first, so we told them to write that also; and to make sure they wrote down the first thing first and to make sure that was done first before the rest could be accomplished.
2023-01-18 9:28 AM - While doing housework, the Lord said "House of Togarmah": In research I found two instances of the phrase in scripture. The first was Ezekiel 27:14 "They of the house of Togarmah 'traded' (performed) in thy (Tyrus') fairs with horses and horsemen and mules." And found that the horses, horsemen and mules were vehicles that performed in their fairs: they had rapid flight; they could disperse a sting, and could breakthrough and separate themselves. By the Strongs' Hebrew definitions you can picture an airshow with planes breaking the sound barrier, then separating themselves in awesome patterns of flight. Other O.T. prophecies foretell other technological devices even more advanced than these. Because Mystery Babylon has hidden the "wisdom and power of God" with her Inquisitions, it's hard for us to fathom the idea of the ancients having these powerful devices; but Archaeologists are digging them up every day. See Mat_22:29 - Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.
2023-01-17 2:14 AM - Woke saying "Cosmic Order": 'cosmic' - 1) 'the universe', in contrast to 'the earth only' 2) vastness or greatness of something 'order' - 1) Hebrew #6186 Put or set the battle or self in array; direct; esteem; be expert in war; furnish; join the battle; set in order; prepare; tax; value 2) Hebrew #4633 An arrangement; mental disposition; preparation. Also, I was given these scriptures as descriptions from the Word: 1) Habakkuk 2:1,2 "I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved. And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that readeth it. 2) John 15:7 "If ye abide in Me and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you."
2023-01-12 7:50 AM - Litmus: A simple test of any attribute... Our life in this material world is simply a proving ground full of litmus, for the eternal, auspicious life to come in the near future.
2022-12-29 05-23-2022 5:05 AM - Analog: something having properties similar to something else. They are analogous; a close parallel of a feeling, idea, style, etc.; of a circuit or device having an output that is proportional to the input. Could we say that our outward performance is analogous to the life of Christ within? Or, if a clock or watch, would we be 'wound-up' and working properly on Sunday, but defective the rest of the week? The Spirit of God within is the same: yesterday and today and forever! I preach to myself on this.
2022-12-26 1249 AM - albumin: A Simple form of protein that is soluble in water and coagulable by heat, such as that found in egg white, milk, and (in particular) blood serum. Albumin enters your bloodstream and helps keep fluid from leaking out of your blood vessels into other tissues. It is also carries hormones, vitamins, and enzymes throughout your body. Without enough albumin, fluid can leak out of your blood and build up in your lungs, abdomen (belly), or other parts of your body. the Lord's Zion is in dire need of spiritual albumin.
2022-12-26 2:44 AM - Subordination - placement in a lower class, rank, or position : the act or process of subordinating someone or something or the state of being subordinated or regarded as of lesser importance or rank than something else. People who take prophecy literally; believing in the first Dominion of the Messiah during the Dark Ages have experienced subordination up until this time. This is about to change drastically.
2022-11-10 Woke at 11:55; had dreamed I was writing lists of prophets and kings of israel. Tried to go back to sleep and it was as if He was telling me to write the reason it's so hard to get to feeling the Christ within is from all our life not wanting to be continually watched by someone else because there are times we want to do something in an unconventional manner.
2022-10-26 5:34 AM - woke saying "First Lady, First Lady, First Lady"
2022-10-11 7:20 AM - had been up in night; woke saying "A revolutionary, grand awakening could arise just by posting this for a time." With vision of a man standing at the edge of a vast ocean or desert - everything glowing with various hues of Orange salmon, yellow; as if it was a sunrise or sunset, but still a little bit darkish. He was standing to the right side of the photo.
2022-09-26 9:45 AM while having breakfast with eyes closed, I watched a middle-aged lady (face only) turn her head this way and that, slowly, with mouth open; foam inside mouth only - wanting to vomit something out. First, I prayed for healing of her whole body including intestines, then in the name of the Lord Jesus I bound and cast out any demonic spirit or evil force; covering her in the blood of Jesus and everyone else around her or related to her in any way. By the grace of God; Thank you Lord Jesus /Yhswh
2022-09-24 12:21 PM - "choreography": you can make a video in a choreographic way by putting pictures to your words.
2022-09-18 6:02 AM - nephilim:
2022-09-17 5:46 AM - Aceldama: a field on the southern slope of the Gehenna valley, close to the Kidron Valley at Jerusalem. In Scripture, it is called the field of blood because it was bought with the 30 pieces of silver that Judas gave back to the Jewish priests after betraying Jesus. An Orthodox women's monastery is located there; named after the ascetic monk, Onuphrius who is said to have lived in that area for 70 years, spending his life in prayer.

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