His Story ≈ History

My Books

About the Author, Arranger of Information:

For many years the author has taken photos of unusual cloud formations that she finds to be illustrations for ancient prophecies. Her photos are copyrighted along with these works. The author has also received words & phrases and names since graduating from Arizona Bible Institute in 1958, which have been useful in writing the books; but the names have been for prayer. They may be found on this website as 'Timeline of Words and Phrases' and 'Timeline of Names'. 

The cloud formation photos and many of the words and phrases contained in her writings were given from time to time to the author by the Lord of all the Earth along with his anointing for writing, and she has respect unto his Word in Matthew 10:8  "... freely ye have received, freely give."

Therefore, because the cloud formation photos are used as illustrations in the writings, she refuses to sell any of her works for monetary gain.

If you have written and not received an answer it is because we are still being censored and all mail withheld except from those on our contact list. I want to thank you personally, and to say that I wish for you many auspicious blessings and that I do appreciate your efforts. At the present time, we have no secure way of receiving mail.


 We at FOR HIM A NAME, believe that our God's agenda for these Last Days of the Age in which we live--is to Build up Zion (His dwelling place on earth within His abiding-ones) as Prophet King David predicted:

"Thou shalt arise and have mercy upon Zion, for the time to favor her has come... So the heathen shall fear the name of The Lord, and all the kings of the earth - Thy glory.

When The Lord shall build up Zion, He shall appear in His glory. He will regard the prayer of the destitute and not despise their prayer. (See the Revelation chapter 16)

This shall be written for the generation to come; and the people which shall be created shall praise The Lord!  - Psalm 102 13, 15-18


In the yeaar 70 AD which was also the Day of The Lord - He was tearing down Zion - amen? yet with promise to establish the Mountain of the House of The Lord in the tops of the mountains at Jerusalem, in their Last Days, according to Micah 4:1-5 and Isaiah 2:2-5 But why do we not see it there today?  

To learn about that which transpired with Christ's First Dominion and why we cannot see it there today - study carefully Psalm 102:25-27, Hebrews 1:10-12 and the Revelation 20:7-10.




Scriptural information regarding Megalithic structures in existence today worldwide, having been built upon ley lines of Earth's surface:

Jeremiah 32:17-20 - "Ah Lord God! behold, You have made the heaven and the earth by Your great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for You! 

You show lovingkindness unto thousands..... the Great, the Mighty God, The Lord of hosts is His name; great in counsel and mighty in work; for Your eyes are open upon all the ways of the sons of men.....

Which have set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt (Great Pyramid, Sphinx, etc), even unto this day, and in Israel (Lebanon), and among other men (pyramids and temple complexes along ley lines worldwide), and have made for Yourself a Name, as at this day (Jeremiah's day)."




Books by dl Andrews:

A New Talmud to the Gentiles in Their Latter Times

His Story ≈ History, Part 1 - Students unraveling ancient mysteries

His Story ≈ History, Part 2 - The Revelation of The Christ

His Story ≈ History, the Original novel before separating. [This book lacks one last chapter which is also the last chapter of His Story = History Part 2, and may be read from there, beginning on page 145.]

"Story of God's Holy People" is in poetic form with 30 verses and may be sung to the tune of an old Irish Lullaby.

"Extra, Extra, Read all about it" newspaper

[The booklet with red cover is not her work, but her family's missionary stories as told to Mrs. Margaret Newton.]

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Within her works the author may mention names of ministers of the Word of God, musicians, scientists, poets, authors and others who have been beneficial to her learning. This is no indication, whatever - that they agree with her views; but only to give credit where credit is due,

The use of photos from Wikimedia Commons—is no indication their authors agree with beliefs as set forth in these works.


Terms of Use:

You are welcome to use the material contained in these books for personal enjoyment, quotations, and printing of certain portions for distribution, but never for commercial purposes, nor for a price to the receiver of printed copies. Any one individual or entity is not allowed to sell or trade any part of these works for financial gain nor for other tangible or intangible items of any kind. By downloading any of the above three books, you are agreeing to these terms of use.


May your journey be enhanced by the unraveling of mysteries and revelations found within the pages of these books.



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